Jessica W.G. Buddendijk – van Horrik received the honorary Queens Service Medal 2021
Jessica emigrated to New Zealand from the Netherlands in 1984. This is where she found her passion for the aged care sector and has been working in this sector ever since.
Jessica has provided aged care facilities with management, training, support, advice, and information including changes to regulations, legislation, and audit requirements.
She is passionate about quality care and she developed a Quality Assurance Programme for aged care facilities to help in achieving a continued high standard of quality care and she continues to provide free updates when changes occur. She also developed a food plan which assist aged care facilities to comply with Food Safety Regulations as set by the Ministry for Primary Industries.
She keeps the health sector informed and updated with a free monthly newsletter which reaches about 1900 health care professionals.
Jessica has been presenting many topics for Mobile Health for about 10 years. This organisation helps healthcare professionals from all over New Zealand to receive the education they need to foster education excellence, grow their knowledge and in turn deliver exceptional service to their clients
She has been Chair of Care Association New Zealand, since 1990, and on behalf of its members, she represents their concerns to higher levels such as District Health Boards and the Ministry of Health.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, she distributed preparedness information to assist and support aged care facilities around New Zealand.
Jessica gives her time freely to anybody in the sector who needs support and advise ignoring what day or time of the day it is. She knows and understands the sector through and through and that is why she is the “go to” person for many.
Jessica codeveloped a training package for the aged care sector called “the Silver Rainbow”, helping staff to understand LGBTI+ clients when caring for them.
She was appointed to the New Zealand NZS8134.7:2010 Pharmacy Service Standard, and to the P1834 Health and Disability Service Standard Committee in 2020.
She has Chaired the Elder Law Conference for the last three years.
Jessica volunteered 7 years for Victim Support, has been awarded Life Membership with Cancer Society Auckland in recognition of exceptional service as a volunteer and volunteers with the Breast Cancer Association and the Heart Foundation.