Saturday 15 February 2025
Saturday 15 February 2025
Celebrate diversity and inclusion in style. Witness the vibrant Auckland Rainbow Parade from a prime Grandstand seat, enjoying drinks, food, and pre-parade festivities.
Participating in the parade offers an opportunity to celebrate diversity, unity, respect, and inclusion, with a vibrant display of color, for both our rainbow communities and allies.
Find out more about our not-for-profit organisation, run by volunteers passionate about equality and diversity
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi – with your basket and my basket the people will thrive.
We’re on a mission to create a future where discrimination is a thing of the past, and everyone enjoys equal rights under the law. By organising LGBTQIA+ Pride events, we’re creating a platform to showcase our vibrant and diverse communities, educate, inspire, commemorate, and celebrate all the amazing things that make us who we are. Join us in our quest for a better tomorrow!